Response By

Savanah Sewell

Murray Favro Guitar, 1982

wood, aluminum, steel, and guitar hardware Purchased with a Canada Council Matching Grant and funds from the Vonunteer Committee, 1985


Chaotic yet simple.


I can hear the Nihilist Spasm Band playing when I look at this guitar.


Enamoured by the regionalists.


Hoping to leave behind a legacy such as theirs.


Did you know they’re huge in Japan?


Community at the centre; in downtown studios still rings true.


Murray Favro is a left handed guitar hero.


Concepts of unordinary and bizarre but specifically functional.


So raise your pots and pans and listen carefully for the jangle and eruption that’s headed your way.

Savanah Sewell is an events planner and curator, community connector, and a passionate advocate for a new regionalist movement in London. She organized London Girls Rock Camp, The Grickle Grass Festival, Winter Spectacular, and is a former board member at Forest City Gallery. From 2018 to 2020 she was the Manager of Dundas Place with Downtown London.