Response By

Amanda Myers

Beaded Purse, about 1950

various materials Gift of Dora Sparling, Lambeth, 1962


When I see this beautiful item, initially I inspect the style and type of beadwork. I consider who, when, where and then my mind settles on just one word. In Anishinaabemowin, the word “manidoominens”; referring to something alive, little spirit berries, beads. The beauty of my language astounds me each day, the depth and inspiration within each word. So special in what they represent, our knowledge, our healing, our love, on display for all of creation to see our gratitude.

Headshot of Amanda Myers on sunny day outdoors

Kitaay bizhikikwe (Amanda Myers) is Director of the Indigenous Student Centre at Western University. Previously, she was a Curriculum Developer for the Ontario Ministry of Education. She holds a Master’s degree in professional education. Fluent in Anishinaabemowin, and of mixed Anishinaabe, Métis, and Welsh ancestry, Amanda advocates for, encourages, and helps Indigenous youth navigate the post-secondary education system.